Meet the dogs in the Al-Baghdadi raid (ASL – 11.2.19)


We want to introduce you to the two dogs making headlines as a result of the US special forces raid that took out Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

First there is Conan.

Conan is the military dog that chased Baghdadi down a tunnel.

He was hurt during the operation when he touched electrical cables.

He has since fully recovered and returned to duty.

However Conan will be leaving the Middle East soon, heading to the White House for a special visit next week.

But Conan wasn’t the only canine forever changed by the raid.

Meet Bobe.

This adorable little puppy was discovered the morning after the raid.

A Syrian photojournalist was photographing the remains of Baghdadi’s compound when he heard something crying.

He discovered a tiny dust-covered puppy next to the dead body of its mother.

At first the photographer brought Bobe to a friend’s house whose dog just had a litter of puppies.

But he couldn’t say goodbye to the puppy whose life he had saved.

Instead he brought the puppy to his own home.

He said it broke his heart to think about leaving the puppy behind and now he’s dedicated to caring for him.

The Closed Caption version of this video can be found here:

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